Awe 20 di november ta Dia Internacional di Derechonan di Mucha. En conexion cu e gran celebracion aki, Bon Dia Aruba a tene un entrevista cu Fundacion pa Nos Muchanan, unda Felisha Ponson, Pedagogische Consulent na Fundacion pa Nos Muchanan, a splica mas ariba e trabaonan di Fundacion pa nos Muchanan y tambe ariba e derechonan di mucha y kico esakinan ta encera.
Fundacion pa nos Muchanan ta un fundacion cu tin como meta pa mehora e calidad di cuido, guia y educacion pa muchanan entre 0 pa 12 aña. Tur e trabaonan di e fundacion ta basa ariba e derechonan di mucha y e tratado internacional di derechonan di mucha.

In September 2011, Aruba continues working to protect the welfare of its children since gaining autonomy from the Netherlands in 1986. Nevertheless, Aruba, like its sister islands in the Caribbean Curacao and the Dutch portion of Sint Maarten remains part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, bound by its international treaties, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). To assess the status of Arubas children, UNICEF was invited to undertake a situation analysis UNICEFs core methodology to define child welfare in a given country, reviewing childrens situation in the context of an array of social, economic, political, institutional and historic factors. The aim was to evaluate progress and challenges in realizing childrens and womens rights in Aruba and to make recommendations for policies and social actions to improve these conditions. The analysis noted Arubas generally favourable economic status but also its high dependency on tourism, which provides limited employment options for islanders and makes them highly vulnerable to steep downturns in the global economy. It also showed the benefits of the islands universal health care: over 99 per cent of women receive antenatal care; more than 95 per cent of births are overseen by skilled attendants; vaccination coverage among children between 12 and 23 months old has reached 90 per cent, and all children have access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation facilities. Nevertheless, obesity affects 35 per cent of children, heralding future health problems, and rising rates of adolescent pregnancy are causing increased health and social complications. In education, nearly all children aged 611 years attend primary school. However, the absence of laws requiring post-secondary attendance contributes to high dropout rates for adolescents, which, in turn, contributes to the numbers of youth involved in gangs or substance abuse. Current policy also mandates Dutch in which only 5.8 per cent of the population is fluent as the principal language of instruction, instead of Papiamento, a Creole language spoken by 66.3 per cent of inhabitants. Language barriers are compounded for the 30 per cent of the population who are new immigrants, most of whom speak neither Dutch nor Papiamento. A preponderance of low-wage jobs and inadequate childcare also contribute to rising reports of child abuse. UNICEF recommendations note the need for a more diversified economy that promotes social welfare as well as growth and for continued reporting and visibility for childrens issues to support positive change. It also recommends improved interaction and coordination between state, social, private and union sectors to implement policies addressing the language of educational instruction, high school attendance, childhood obesity, protections against abuse and domestic violence, as well as the needs of diverse cultures.
E tratado di Derecho di Mucha ta aplica directamente e definicion di declaracion universal di derechonan humano ariba e mucha y ta agrega: “E mucha tin necesidad na proteccion y cuido special, incluyendo proteccion huridico, tanto prome como despues di nacemento”. Ademas e Tratado di Derecho di Mucha ta duna un mucha, como grupo special y vulnerabel, ampliamente mas derecho manera proteccion y cuido special.
Ponson a splica cu Fundacion pa Nos Muchanan ta haci su trabaonan basa ariba e tratado aki door di ofrece hopi conseho y guia pa mayornan tocante e desaroyo di nan yiunan. Nan ta ofrece tambe charlanan pa e mayornan aki y banda di esey nan ta haci e mesun charlanan pa tur e lidernan di e centronan di cuido di muchanan na Aruba cu ta registra cerca nan.
Recientemente e fenomeno di abuso di mucha a lanta cabes na Aruba. Bon Dia Aruba a puntra Srta. Ponson si Fundacion pa Nos Muchanan ta encontra cu casonan di abuso di mucha y con nan ta handle cu e casonan aki.
“Ora cu nos ricibi casonan di abuso of lidernan di centronan kisas ta sospecha algo nos semper ta guianan den e direccion corecto y kico ta e stapnan cu nan mester tuma. Aworaki tin e codigo di proteccion tambe cu aworaki basta lider ta siguiendo cursonan pa nan sa kico nan mester tene cuenta cune tambe”, el a contesta.
Fundacion pa Nos Muchanan ta traha den preventivo, “nos ta purba di tuma accion prome cu e yega asina leu”, el a bisa. Tin e biaha e casonan cu e fundacion ta ricibi ta casonan hopi simpel cu nan mes ta ofrece e ayudo necesario na e mucha of mayornan cu kisas no ta na altura di cierto aspectonan cu ta importante pa proteha nan yiunan.
Enfatisando e parti di trabao preventivo y conscientisacion cu Fundacion pa Nos Muchanan ta haci, Ponson a splica cu tin biaha e casonan ta simpel y nan ta yuda di biaha e mayor dunando e informacion cu kisas e no tabata sa pa yuda cuida y proteha nan yiunan.
“Por ehempel si nos ta papia di negligencia, por ta e mayor simplemente no ta na altura of no a wordo educa bon di con pa mantene un bon higiena di un mucha, dus esey tambe ta locual nos ta yuda cunele, informa y siña e mayornan. Nos semper ta bisa cu ora un mucha nace e no ta bin cu un manual. Tin biaha cosnan simpel manera higiena of cuminda saludabel, kisas e mayornan no ta mucho consciente di esey of nan no a wordo siña esey ora nan a wordo lanta, kiermen esey ta algo cu tambe nos conscientisa mayornan ariba dje”, el a agrega.
Codigo di Proteccion a wordo implementa recientemente y Ponson ta splica cu e codigo aki ta pa e persona cu ta traha cu e muchanan, e lidernan di e centronan di cuido, docentenan y Codigo di Proteccion aki ta un plan di cinco stap cu e e persona aki cu ta traha cu mucha mester sigui pa detecta si tin abuso ta tuma luga contra un mucha of no.
“Hopi biaha nan no sa kico pa wak of kico ta e señalnan di abuso, dus esey tambe nos ta haci pa siña e lidernan di e centronan cuido kico ta e señalnan y kico ta e stapnan cu nan mester tuma pa asina yuda e muchanan aki. Tin biaha e casonan ta hopi simpel, y den e caso ey loke e lider di e centro di cuido mester haci ta yama e mayor informa locual el a observa y por ta e solucion ta simpel. Kiermen e codigo ta encera diferente stapnan cu e lidernan por sigui pa asina preveni abuso. Aworaki nan ta bezig ta volg e cursonan di e codigo di proteccion”, el a bisa.
E Dia Internacional di Derecho di Mucha ta un dia pa celebra, pero hopi hende kisas no sa kico e derechonan di mucha ta. Tin 41 derecho di mucha cu por wordo dividi den tres categoria, Ponson a splica.
E prome categoria ta provision, esaki bisa cu e mucha tin derecho na un nivel di bida adecua, e tin derecho ariba cuido medico, ariba educacion, etcetera, dus locual ta cay den provision. E di dos categoria ta proteccion, esaki ta bisa cu e muchanan tin derecho ariba proteccion contra abuso, negligencia, discriminacion, nan mester tin un luga sigur pa nan hunga, etcetera, dus tur loke ta cay bao di proteccion. Y e di tres categoria ta participacion, esey ta derechonan cu ta bisa cu nan tin derecho pa participa den actividadnan den comunidad, programanan, servicionan, etcetera.
E aña aki Fundacion pa Nos Muchanan a lansa un campaña di pintamento unda e muchanan por scoge cualkier derecho cu nan kier y nan ta traha un obra di arte di e derecho ey Nan ta pinta cu nan mesun imaginacion kico e derecho cu nan scoge kiermen pa nan. Otro siman e fundacion lo saca tres ganador di e campaña aki cu lo ricibi premio di e fundacion.
“Locual nos ta haya hopi importante ta pa e muchanan mes tambe ta na altura di nan derechonan, y nos kier encurasha tur e mayornan pa yuda nan yiunan compronde e derechonan cu nan tin y tambe e responsabilidad pa respeta otro hende su derechonan. Como mayor abo ta pone e fundeshi pa e mucha compronde esaki y mi ta kere ta importante pa e mayornan haci esaki den e bida di nan yiunan”, el a agrega.