
Erin Pulster (University of South Florida) a doctora na aña 2015 cu su disertacion Assessment of Public Health Risks Associated with Petrochemical Emissions Surrounding an Oil Refinery.

Entre esunnan cu a financia su investigacion tin Environmental Fund Netherlands Antilles (MINA Fund) anto Avila Hotel cu Curaçao Seaquarium tambe a apoya, pasobra central den e investigacion aki ta Refineria Isla. E resultadonan, manera SMOC ta supone pa añanan largo caba, ta desbaratando. Pulster a investiga specificamente dioxide di suafel (SO2), cu materia fini (PM) y e asina yama hidrokarburo aromatico polisiclico (PAHnan). Ta conoci cu PAH cu PM ta causa Cancer.

Pulster ta mustra masha cla cu rond mundo, por ehempel na China, Italia y Merca, e nivelnan di dioxide di suafel den atmosfera ta bahando. E ta skirbi (pagina 60-61):

Conversely, global trends for SO2 have illustrated decreases. For instance, a 50% decrease in annual average SO2 concentrations was reported in the Yangtze Delta region of eastern China (2005-2010) and in Europe (2001-2010). …The annual SO2 concentrations measured at both the Beth Chaim and Kas Chikitu station for the years 2010-2014 are among the highest reported globally (Figure 4.3). The 2014 concentrations measured at Beth Chaim were more than 200 times greater than those measured in Nuraminis, Italy (0.72 μg/m3) in 2012 (http://www.eea.europa.eu). In addition, the 2013 annual SO2 concentrations (155.9 μg/m3) at the Beth Haim station were over 5 times higher than the 2013 US annual average (29.4 μg/m3).

E tipo di resultadonan aki ta alarmante. Anto corda cu na 2015 a midi un promedio anual mas halto ainda cu na 2014 di SO2 cu ta peligroso pa salubridad. Pa e PAHnan Pulster ta raporta su preocupacion atrobe (den un comparacion mundial).

Por constata cu e preocupacionnan cu SMOC ya tin aña tras di aña ta husto, anto Pulster ta haya esaki bien berde, pasobra e ta haya masha necesario pa haci mas investigacion y mas amplio. E ta conclui (pág 153 ku 156):

Furthermore, both the 24-hour and annual mean concentrations of PM10 and SO2 measured in Curaçao were within the ranges often associated with cardiovascular and respiratory effects and mortality as a result of short-term exposures…… As previously mentioned, 60% of 3230 children (ages 0-14) in Curaçao had asthma which is more than four times the global average for children. As such, a more complete human health risk assessment is recommended to include dermal, inhalation and dietary exposure pathways. In addition, a more rigorous epidemiological study involving clinical assessments are needed to evaluate health effects and disease associations with air quality parameters.

Anto kico Parlamento y gobierno di Corsou ta haci den e caso specifico aki pa e habitantenan di Habaai, Wishi/Marchena, Buena Vista etcetera? Nada, absolutamente nada. Den e disertacion aki Corsou ta mal para.