Photographed early in 2014 in the Philippines capital city of Manila, this baby was in a hospital with measles (rubeola). Since typhoon Haiyan, the Philippines, especially metropolitan Manila, has been experiencing a large measles outbreak. Note the maculopapular rash on the infant's face, which is one of the hallmark symptoms of this disease. Measles is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the measles virus. The disease is also called rubeola. Measles causes fever, runny nose, cough and a rash all over the body. About one out of 10 children with measles also gets an ear infection, and up to one out of 20 gets pneumonia. For every 1,000 children who get measles, one or two will die. Adults can also get measles especially if they are not vaccinated. Children under 5 years of age and adults over 20 are at higher risk for measles complications including pneumonia, and a higher risk of hospitalization and death from measles than school aged children and adolescents.
WILLEMSTAD – Venezuela no ta logrando controla e epidemia di sarampi. E medidanan actual no por a contene e epidemia den ultimo dos aña. Esaki ta segun e analisis di expertonan Venezolano.
Segun e experto, tin mester di mas vacuna. E aña aki ya tin 140 caso di sarampi confirma na Venezuela. Asina ta lidera e lista di paisnan Sur Americano cu e number mas grandi di casonan indigna di e enfermedad.
Venezuela ta representa 50% di e total di casonan na Suramerica, Colombia na 36% y Brasil na 11%. Casonan di sarampi a ser notifica den un total di diesdos pais di Suramerica, pero e otro nuebe paisnan tin casonan importa, casi tur ora di pafo di e region.
Esaki ta un problema grave pa Corsou, cu ta cerca di Venezuela y cu un fluho di migrantenan constante di e bisiña isla. Ta importante cu e personanan di e isla ser vacuna mas pronto posibel.