A girl selects a book while other children read behind her, in the library at Basico Washington School, in the town of Noord.
In September 2011, Aruba continues working to protect the welfare of its children since gaining autonomy from the Netherlands in 1986. Nevertheless, Aruba, like its sister islands in the Caribbean Curacao and the Dutch portion of Sint Maarten remains part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, bound by its international treaties, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). To assess the status of Arubas children, UNICEF was invited to undertake a situation analysis UNICEFs core methodology to define child welfare in a given country, reviewing childrens situation in the context of an array of social, economic, political, institutional and historic factors. The aim was to evaluate progress and challenges in realizing childrens and womens rights in Aruba and to make recommendations for policies and social actions to improve these conditions. The analysis noted Arubas generally favourable economic status but also its high dependency on tourism, which provides limited employment options for islanders and makes them highly vulnerable to steep downturns in the global economy. It also showed the benefits of the islands universal health care: over 99 per cent of women receive antenatal care; more than 95 per cent of births are overseen by skilled attendants; vaccination coverage among children between 12 and 23 months old has reached 90 per cent, and all children have access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation facilities. Nevertheless, obesity affects 35 per cent of children, heralding future health problems, and rising rates of adolescent pregnancy are causing increased health and social complications. In education, nearly all children aged 611 years attend primary school. However, the absence of laws requiring post-secondary attendance contributes to high dropout rates for adolescents, which, in turn, contributes to the numbers of youth involved in gangs or substance abuse. Current policy also mandates Dutch in which only 5.8 per cent of the population is fluent as the principal language of instruction, instead of Papiamento, a Creole language spoken by 66.3 per cent of inhabitants. Language barriers are compounded for the 30 per cent of the population who are new immigrants, most of whom speak neither Dutch nor Papiamento. A preponderance of low-wage jobs and inadequate childcare also contribute to rising reports of child abuse. UNICEF recommendations note the need for a more diversified economy that promotes social welfare as well as growth and for continued reporting and visibility for childrens issues to support positive change. It also recommends improved interaction and coordination between state, social, private and union sectors to implement policies addressing the language of educational instruction, high school attendance, childhood obesity, protections against abuse and domestic violence, as well as the needs of diverse cultures.
Tur aña mundo henter ta para keto riba e fecha di 20 di november como e fecha declara pa Nacionnan Uni como e Dia internacional di Derecho di Mucha. Pero pakico ta marca dia internacional realmente?
Esaki ta crea e oportunidad pa educa e publico cu un audiencia mundial riba topiconan di preocupacion pa asina mobilisa interes politico y recursonan pa adresa problemanan global y celebra y reenforsa e logronan di humanidad. E existencia di dianan internacional a bira un herment poderoso pa conscientisacion riba un escala grandi.
Dia Internacional di Derecho di Mucha a wordo estableci na aña 1954 y ta celebra esaki anualmente riba 20 di november pa promove union internacional, conscientisacion di muchanan rond di mundo y asina trata di influencia e bienestar di e muchanan.
Na 1959 den un asamblea general di Nacionnan Uni, lidernan mundial a adopta e Declaracion di Derecho di Mucha. Riba e mesun fecha di 20 di november, pero na aña 1989 a yega na un acuerdo cu globalmente lo salvaguardia e bienestar di tur muchanan pa medio di e Tratado di Derecho di Mucha. E tratado aki ta un di e tratadonan di derecho humano mas ratifica door di mas pais na mundo. Tin hopi mas atencion pa proteccion di mucha pa nan por desaroya na nan maximo potencial pa medio di e 54 articulonan den e tratado.
E aña aki, e crisis di COVID-19 a resulta den un crisis di derecho di mucha tambe. E consecuencianan di e pandemia pa muchanan ta directo, y si no adresa esakinan lo por dura pa bida largo. Nos por tende rond di mundo e impacto riba e salud mental di mucha, e grado di stress cu nan te ainda ta experiementando. Ta keda na adultonan di tur sector pa percura cu e muchanan ta haya e proteccion y sosten cu nan mester. Ta importante pa adultonan den bida di e mucha ta atento na e sentimento di mucha of hoben y demostra comprension pa e tempo dificil aki.
Mama, tata, maestro, enfermero, dokter, lider politico, activistanan, e comunidad religioso, sector priva y media por hunga un papel importante pa haci e Dia Internacional di Mucha relevante den nos sociedad. E fecha aki mester sirbi como punto di inspiracion pa por conscientisa, promove y celebra e derechonan di mucha. Pero tambe pa traduci esakinan den dialogo y accion pa por construi un miho mundo pa nos muchanan.
E ta un compromiso cu mester ta carga door di tur sector y tur grupo den nos sociedad. Tin hopi maestro di scol cu ta atencion den klas na e derechonan di mucha na scol. Comision Derecho di Mucha kier a duna sosten na e esfuerso aki door di pone disponibel handsanitizer, poster y potlood como material. Tur tres e productonan aki ta haci promocion pa e website www.derechodimucha.org, unda cu ton tur informacion relaciona cu e Tratado internacional aki. Riba e website por haya tambe tur e rapportnan cu Aruba a entrega y e recomendacionnan cu nos a ricibi. Pa maestronan cu ricibi e materialnan aki lo por yama Departamento di Asunto Social 528-1100 of mi mes persona na 593-7078.