2 Tim 4:5-8

With deep sorrow and a joyful heart we announce the passing away of

our beloved father and grandfather

Ivan Williams Sr.

Better known as Willy, Eric or Opa

Sunrise November 30, 1930

Sunset June 7, 2020.

Wife: †Jeanette Williams


Kennrick (Kenny) & Shamilla Williams-Haynes

Sharon & Angel (Rick) Rasmijn-Williams

Allen & Miguelina (Migi) Williams-Flores

Casimire Williams

Loretta & Conroy Witter-Johnson as his caretakers

Grand children:

Vilnette (Julie) & Vance Browne-Williams


Sean & Talitha Williams

Marc Rasmijn

Shänon & Alenis Williams

Evan Gei

Great grand children: Daevion, Deanise & Drayden Browne in Holland


Birty (Dennis) William

† Ignatious Lloyd (Raffy)

† Nathaniel Philbert

As his sister in law: Alberta Burke

Nieces & Nephews: Marylin Spencer & family, Ian Williams & family, Tony, Rhonda, Shirly Ann, Sandra, Lloyd, Evelin Williams & family, Micheal, Christine, Erik and Sharon Laqua & family.

As niece & nephews: Clyde, Kenneth & Sandra Burke

Cousins: Evadney Philbert, Patsy, Pearl, Patricia, Sharon, Renee, Maxwell and Anna Purcell, Donald Williams, Milton Garway, Rosanna & Rosemary Skinner, Dawn, Suzanne, Jan, Lexan, Jeremiah, Dex Antoine, Veron Silvester and Wilfred Benoit, Wesley & Laurel Williams, Agatha, Adonis, Glen, Daphnie, Raymond, Derianne & Darlene Williams. † Claudette Philbert

God son: Kevin James

God Daughter: Patsy Purcell, Philomena Paul & Bonny Thomas

Close friends: Mildred De Coteau & family, Andre Lares & family, Daley family, Banfield family, Mitchell family (Grenada), Vera Ferguson, all colleagues from the Aruba Refinery, Brothers and Sisters of the Evangelical Church of San Nicolaas, Neighbors of Palisiaweg.

Family: Williams, Haynes, Wernet, Rasmijn, Flores, Browne, Gei, Burke, Ignacio, Gumbs, Purcell, Pierre, Barriteau, Bailey, Franklin, Dillon, Quarless, Thomas, Samuel, Degale, Berkely, Junkere, Thomas, Samuel, Peppers, Ferguson.

Opportunity for Condolences will be Thursday, June 11, 2020 from 7 pm to 9pm ad “Ad Patres” Van Rensselaerstraat 2, San Nicolaas.

The service to celebrate his life will be held on friday, June 12 at 4pm at the evangelical Church of San Nicolaas. Jasmijnstraat 7, San Nicolaas.

Before the service the body of Ivan (Eric) will be laid to view from 2pm to 4 pm at the Evangelical Church of San Nicolaas.

We apologize if in our grief we forgot to mention your name or misspelled it.